Friday, May 15, 2009

It Lives, It's Live!!!

Lo and behold, that day we've all been waiting for, or at least those of us in the know, or even in the hope we know --- that fateful day has arrived.

The Big Ticket Depot website is happening, with big ticket items to buy and sell all ready for your frenetic bidding pleasure.

Are you grinning like a deranged banshee on PCP-laced jimson weed cookies at the thought of getting yourself a lovely dinning room set for only sixty-six hundred smackers like the one described here:

"This double pedestal dining table continues to be one of Kindel Funiture Company's best selling dining tables. The tabletop is made of figured mahogany veneers with a cross-banded ribbon border and thin maple inlaid line. The caster are solid brass. Table includes custom-made pads, including those for the four leaves. (The pads sell for another $1,000 but will be included in the price). Corners of table are rounded. The table alone sells for around $9,000 currently."

Wow! I don't know about you, but just thinking of a succulent meal served on that baby, I slather myself silly. Mahogany and maple! Brass and casters! A pedestal and pads, veneer and leaves! It's almost too much to imagine. So, don't bother trying and instead, just take a look.

And that's not all! Over in this corner, by the famous sculpting artist Dave Powell of Montana
, we have for all you aficionados of big prairie Western lore, "Mountain Chief Bronze", for a measly $28,500 if you buy it right this very moment. Don't wait too long, or it might get swooped up once the bidding begins.

Or, there is an actual Persian carpet, the bidding on which starts at only $4500!! Wow, again! A Persian carpet --- who knows, maybe it even flies. Wouldn't that be just too cool.

But anyway, the entire point of today's entry is to inform all of you out there that Big Ticket Depot has finally fully jumped into the fray of big time online auction bidding, buying and selling. And you, too, can be collecting oodles of big ticket items for your personal, private museums, items to be seen only by your celebrity friends and any other VIPs wandering around in your periphery.

Now, if, unfortunately, you are not disgustingly wealthy, but struggling to make your first billion, I wholeheartedly recommend in my most amply sincere lust-for-lucre mode, getcher own Big Ticket Depot affiliate broker back office and yank healthy commissions out of the pockets of private museum patrons by selling them big ticket items online. It's totally juice.

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